Now we all wish for our partners (ladies and SOME gentleman *clears throat*) to be handsome, smart and well let's face it well endowed. The girth of a man's dick has always been up for debate and the start of many heated discussions. Many of us side on "it isn't the size that counts, it's the way he works with it." Well a man is as good as his tool. Now some dicks are HUGE. For the select few who has had an anaconda and got served up well...I'm OVERJOYED for you. For those who have had an anaconda and it damn there ripped you in half....I pray for your speedy recovery. Now a lot of men have JUST ENOUGH to satisfy a woman- now whether he can work it or not is a different animal all together. Now my issue with the JUST ENOUGH dicks and smaller (yes, there are some of you that aren't blessed and that's O.K.- up your tongue game please and thankies) that insist on embarassing yourselves by purchasing condoms that are TOO BIG for your dick. What are you trying to prove? Bigger isn't always better. Smaller than average can prove to be an issue just as well....but when you put your partner at risk because you have to wrap rubberbands around your dick or hold on to it to make sure that the oversized condom you claimed you can fill isn't staying on properly- it's not only embarassing but ANNOYING.
You bragging about having to wear Magnums isn't sexy or attractive. Bragging about your dick isn't sexy or attractive either. Last thing I expect to discuss is your dick and you can barely maintain an intelluctual conversation. At least for me it's a HUGE turn off. You shouldn't have to brag about NATHAN (puns intended). You can have wonderful sexual experiences without having to build up something that's NONEXISTENT. Be proud of what you're working with. Learn how to work it. Nothing less attractive than a man that isn't confident in himself.
they dont fit, but i found some that do
ReplyDelete^^^^^ you get yours tailor made right? LOL!!!!
ReplyDeleteWelp, iffen it don't fit PLEASE ACQUIT from buying that shit....lmao
ReplyDeleteDEAD@ tailor made
wow i had a girl tell me her partner held the base but i didnt know it was so common. thats a damn shame!
ReplyDeleteI used to be a cashier at walmart and i NEVER saw a black dude buy anything but magnum condoms. I was like damn does everybody have a big dick (pause).
i also remember the 1st time i purchased some. i told my partner that if that shit don't fit she better be ready to stroke the ego. luckily it fit quite nicely. never wore a different brand since lol
GTFOH with that "it fit nicely bullshet" SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIID...... *insert eye roll here* PROOF?
ReplyDeletelol yall not about to make me an internet porn star. but no bullshit it fits. im not actin like im mandingo. never hospitalized anybody, but i can hold my own lol.
ReplyDeletebut ive heard women claim they don't really want a huge 1. is that bs?
ReplyDeleteWE REALLY don't know what you look like....sooooo yeah how bout that proof? Some women like em HUGE some like em smedium...reckon it depends on they twat size and preference.
ReplyDeleteStandard sized Magnums are 8 in long and about 2 in wide... 6-8in, is AVERAGE IMO...anything under (bless your heart) 8+ (bless my heart & vagina)
ReplyDelete::::leaves quietly:::::
Tezay......I have NO words for you....bless your HARD...tiz all
ReplyDeleteMy name is Bahama and I approve this message!
ReplyDeleteLMAO @ Bams!
ReplyDeleteTini --------------->
lmfao at odara knowing dimensions of condoms. preachers kid huh? *rickey smiley old lady voice* u aint saved like dey say u is!
ReplyDeleteAnd tini my twitter pic is really me so u can almost see what i sorta look like lol. all the nasty, crazy shit i be talkin about, i can't have yall knowin my true identity.