He was sexy, muscled, chocolate, about 5'8, had a real manly presence the kind that softens any woman in it proximity because he has so much of it, and it just makes you want to giggle and bat your eyes at him. He came out of no where though and he gravitated to me and everything else ceased to exist. He looked at me hard in my eyes and he didn't speak he grabbed me by the arms and I allowed it I couldn't do anything else but allow it, and deep down I wanted whatever it was that he was going to give to me. It was a complete departure from my character but I didn't care. He was the leader I was the follower and I was fine with that.
I could taste his breath, feel his tongue, swallowed his saliva as he rammed his thick tongue in and out of my mouth he was a rough kisser the kind I usually have to teach how to kiss me but with him I didn't mind it in fact I welcomed each assault on my mouth, he invaded my space totally and completely he spread my legs wide as he stood completely between them while we kissed, his kiss was heavy hot and passionate and it made me hunger for him down into my soul. I wanted every inch of this man. His hands were strong and possessively placed on my ass pulling my pelvis into his stiff and hard manhood that jumped and throbbed waking a hot volcano of sensual need deep inside of me, I wanted him right here and now, fuck who was watching let them watch I was willing to give them a show. I wanted him to throw me up against the nearest brick wall and fuck the shit out of me, I wanted him to write his name on my pussy walls with no remorse. I wanted him raw and in that moment I didn't give a shit about condoms or none of that. My mind was awash in him and him only. I wanted to keep drinking all of him in. He was so fucking delicious like an ice cream sundae on the hottest day in August he was, water to a thirst, he was food to hunger, and I was, and we were. I wanted him to do any and everything he wanted to do to me and I wanted it hard and rough, I'm talking rip the bottoms off snatch the panties to the side and enter me. My Pussy throbbed I was getting so hot I wanted to touch my own self and maybe he would follow suit perhaps get the hint. As I tried to move my hands they seem to have taken on a life of their own.
He broke our kiss which left me feeling like I had been robbed and they had taken everything good that I owned. He looked me deep in my eyes and my heart stopped, he took both my wrist in his hands and penned them up above my head I didn't struggle I wanted this to happen, my breathing became shallow and every fiber of my being seemed to strain to be touched by this man I was a guitar and he was a master at playing me. If I could bottle up the moment and sell it I would have been richer than Oprah. I couldn't break his gaze he didn't say a word but I responded so well to what wasn't being said like a puppet on a string. God how I wanted him...
He licked my neck in just the right spot causing my body temperature to shoot up and my brain to shut down. How did he know my precise spot? Nipples erect and hard begged to be licked and sucked, legs begged to be locked and entwined around his waist, pussy wet needed to be molested, punished and fucked into submission. Mouth watered at the thought of licking this man from head to toe, I wondered what his penis would taste like lodged deep in my mouth tickling the back of my throat. I wanted to drink in the sheer essence of this man down to the last drop, I wanted to break all my rules with him and be a whore and let the chips fall where they may. I had never felt so overwhelmingly like a woman in all my life....
Just as we were about to begin the most fucked up thing in the world happened, the phone rang waking me up from yet another blissful way-to-real dream waking me back to a reality that pales in comparison and I can't even get back to sleep where he's waiting for me, now ain't that a major bitch!
Good one!
ReplyDeletethank you steamy I appreciate that :-)
ReplyDeleteYes! That is a biotch!