It was my senior year, I was seventeen and like every other teenager I thought I was GROWN! I associated with a variety of kids @ school but I think most people who knew me pretty much saw me as "quiet" and "silly"...I'd never had a "real" boyfriend in school..there were boys who tried to get at me but I was SCARY as hell...Most of my closes friends all had boyfriends AND were having sex...It's kinda funny because even though people around me were blabbing about their sexual encounters and boyfriends I NEVER talked about mine...maybe because I hadn't had any??? LOL..But I always kept shit I deemed as personal to myself anyway...I still do today. I grew up kinda sheltered but hell I KNEW about sex...not from personal experience but from my friends and I did my "research"...LMAO! Now I was never a wild one because SHIT I feared my parents...LOL!!!
Anyway it was senior cut day @ school...Now this wasn't an "official" day nor did the school approve it...but the plan was for all of us to come to school then leave after first period. We were all gonna meet up @ CiCi's Pizza and chill...LOL! I was in the Co-op program which was work study so I was only going to school for half a day anyway. I opted out in participating because like I said before I was SCARY...So the bell rang after first period and all the seniors were dipping..My BFF and some more friends were tryna convince me to ride with them but I was like naw...I'mma just go to work...So I was standing outside on a little pathway that led to the student parking lot just watching everybody leave...Then I notice a couple dudes coming up the walkway and I start smiling because one of them I KNEW...They didn't go to our school but the dude I recognized used to go there our freshman year...and we had ALWAYS been cool. I can't remember if the nigga got kicked out or if he dropped out but all I knew is that he wasn't in nobody's school...lmao...Now we still vaguely kept in touch those 3 years since he'd left but I'd only see him off & on by coincidence on most cases. But as freshman's I remember us being inseparable...He was in most of my classes...he was smart as fuck but was steady failing classes cause he wanted to be a dumb ass and smoke all day...and when I say he used to smoke...lmao..nigga used to SMOKE...I never knew a time when he wasn't high...It got so bad @ one point that nigga had ME going home smelling like WEED...and I didn't SMOKE! His scent was all in my clothes because I hung around him ALL the time. Thank God my parents never noticed the smell...LOL!
Anyway, we catch up for a bit and he was fucking with me calling me "lame" because I wasn't participating in "cut day" LMAO...so we chatted it up and joked around and he asked me was I staying in class all day and I was like naw I leave @ 12 to go to work. He told me he was gonna hang around because his friend he was with had to meet somebody up there...and he volunteered to take me to work...I didn't have a car and my dad was taking me back and forth to school AND picking me up for work...so I figured hey why not...So I call my dad and tell him that I'm not going to work and I was gonna be @ school all day...I lied because there was no way I was gonna tell him I had a ride to work...because he would've been like WITH WHO???! lol...and I wanted to avoid that. So I end up leaving with him...and I don't really remember EVERYTHING that transgressed in that car ride but all I know is that I never went to work...We ended up @ his house...lol...I think he was staying with his cousin or aunt or somebody @ the time...because he wasn't on good terms with his mom (long story) but either way NOBODY was home...
So we chill for a bit...he was on the phone for a minute and I was just flipping through the channels on the tv in the living room. Then he told me he was gonna go in his room to smoke and that I could stay down there and watch tv if I wanted...shiiiiiiid...lol..I'm like HELL NAW this not my house you not leaving me down here by myself. All I got was a visual of somebody busting in and here I am a "stranger" chilling on they couch...lmao! So I followed him upstairs to his room and we up there for about a good half hour and he just smoking his little life away...lol..we listening to music on the radio sitting on the edge of the bed talking....his eyes looked so damn sleepy and little because he sitting there high as a kyte...lol..I don't know if it was from the weed or what but the next thing I know he kissed me on the side of my face and I jumped lmao! because I wasn't expecting that...I'd always thought he was cute but NEVER saw myself wanting to hook up with him and I thought he saw me as his sister. So we both burst out laughing after I damn near jump outta my skin...LOL! Then he tries to kiss me again on my lips...the whole time I'm thinking WTF is really going on...this nigga is faded...then he starts talking dumb shit...off the wall shit saying how I never changed and was always such a "good girl" and he liked that about me...
So I started blushing and looking like this....

I didn't know how to respond to that...so I just kissed him back and smiled...One kiss lead into three more...three lead into touching and groping...he lays back on his bed and pulls me down on top of him and we're face to face kissing....Then I feel him dig his hands underneath the back of my shirt and tug @ my bra...and I'm thinking OMG wtf he tryna do??? lmao...IDK if I was also high from the second hand weed in the air but I didn't stop him...he rolled up my shirt and started kissing me across my chest...THEN started unbuttoning my jeans and sliding them down...in the back of my mind I'm saying "I'm really about to do this"...I was SCARED! lmao...but I didn't want him to think that...I didn't tell him I was a virgin but I think he knew..so I'm in nothing but my underwear and an unsnapped bra lol...and he gets up takes his shirt off and tells me he'll be right back...he goes down the hall and while I'm waiting on his bed I snap my bra back...lmao..IDK why tho...I was so goofy I didn't wanna feel "naked" LOL! So he comes back with a condom and that's when shit hits me..."I'm REALLY about to do this" and my nerves start kicking in overtime...I started feeling numb...my palms were sweaty...LOL! He got on top of me, pulled out and put the condom on...I swear my eyes got big as hell...LOL...I was in shock...but I didn't want to make it obvious so I just let him take control...he pulled off my panties and my heart was RACING...I wanted to keep on my bra IDK why... I guess as a sense of security so I was praying to GAWD he didn't try to snatch it off...lmao...he didn't...he placed his hands between my thighs and opens my legs and proceeds to push himself inside...I tensed up INSTANTLY...all I could feel was my damn pelvis tightening and I closed my eyes tight as hell as he pushed further inside...it was PAINFUL...I can't lie it wasn't as bad as I expected it to be but I wasn't comfortable at all because I couldn't relax...so I'm sure I made it worse..lol..shit how was I supposed to relax when my sweet little juice box was feeling like somebody jammed a bottled brick into a keyhole...So he's all the way in and going to work...I wasn't enjoying it at all @ first but I was taking deep breaths that turned into moans...TRUST me the sounds I was making wasn't from pleasure...lmao. I remember him putting his hand on my face and telling me to relax...I didn't want to make it uncomfy for him so I took his advice...I closed my eyes tried to get calm and relaxed...after a couple of minutes the initial pain wore off and I started thinking...well this isn't THAT bad..lol..
So he finally finishes and pulls out...and I release a deep ass breath like I did some work..lmfao! shit I was relieved...but my pussy on the other hand was tender as fuck...lol..i noticed that I was bleeding a little as I put my clothes back on...but I didn't see any blood on the bed...I didn't freak out I just went to the bathroom and cleaned myself up a bit...I stayed in the bathroom FOREVER tryna make sure everything was still intact...lol. When I finally came out he was dressed and asked me if everything was ok...I smiled and told him yes..I still hadn't grasped my mind around everything that just happened but I was ready to leave...lol..It was still like an hour before time for school to let out so I had him drive me back there...I was quiet on the whole ride back and we just listened to the radio...He dropped me off and leaned over to kiss me on the cheek as I got out the car...and we went our separate ways...
By the time I got home I felt NASTY as hell...lol..still in them same clothes...I headed straight for the shower...he called me that night and we talked forever...The next time we hung out I felt awkward as hell...could barely make eye contact with him..lmao.....I'd never anticipated or thought HE would be the one to take my virginity but hey...in all actuality it wasn't THAT bad...lol....
Awww Tezay, that was so prelly! *sniffle* DEAD@wanting to put yo titties back in they hammock...LMAO
ReplyDeletelmao Tini I was like HAYLE NAW ion wanna be all the way Nakie! LOL!!!